Message from the Chair

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the UMMC Department of Emergency Medicine's "The E.D. Dispatch." Through this and future issues we hope to build a sense of community among alumni and others who have a shared history in our department.
This department is ever growing and evolving. The greatest constant is its ability to produce stellar emergency medicine physicians. Sharing these stories of change and success is important to us. Graduates of our residency and fellowship programs are impacting this world every day by practicing in community-based settings, leading medical expeditions to far-flung areas of the world, publishing ground-breaking research, building new residency programs, running academic medical centers, and a myriad of other endeavors.
Historically, updates from our expanding EM family have been intermittent and typically the results of one-off encounters at national meetings. The past couple of years has limited these even more. Let’s change that. If you have an amazing story regarding yourself or someone else connected to this department that should be highlighted in these pages, please send it to us for future inclusion. Moreover, if you live in or are visiting the Jackson area, stop by. There is always the opportunity to give a grand rounds presentation during conference or to just catch-up.
Ultimately, we hope you enjoy reading the included success stories as much as we enjoy putting them together.